What are ecocities?

Ecocities are modelled on the self-sustaining, resilient structure and function of natural ecosystems. They provide an abundance for their inhabitants, without consuming more renewable resources than they are able to produce. They generate only as much waste as they can assimilate or recycle, or that natural ecosystems can absorb harmlessly. Their residents live within the finite ecological limits of the Earth, in societies that respect basic principles of fairness, justice and equity--and the pursuit of happiness.

Jennie Moore is a leader in the global development of ecocities.

Achieving such a high level of sustainability is challenging for even the most ambitious decision-makers, something Moore understands intimately, having served as a sustainability manager. She, therefore, encourages cities to look for incremental advances, wherever possible, without losing sight of the greater goal.

I like working with her: there’s no sugarcoating or green-washing; she is very constructive gets quickly on to what you need to do.
— Rebecca Newlove, Manager of Sustainability, District of Saanich, BC