Ecocity business network – for “lighter living”

Lighter living is about helping people to live happier, more balanced lives by supporting community initiatives for sustainable consumption within a One-Planet model of living.

In 2018, a team led by Jennie Moore and Cora Hallsworth began engaging leaders in corporate sustainability in Canada in a series of inaugural dialogues towards toward establishing an Ecocity Business Network. Thirty participants, from 20 businesses with offices in British Columbia, are exploring opportunities to heighten collaboration among businesses and civic decision-makers in creating ecocities.

Together, they aim to engage the public and transform urban systems to advance sustainable consumption. Network memberswill alsobenefitfrom an exchange of intelligence with other leaders in corporate and community sustainability, including insights from current research on how global business leaders are addressing risks and opportunities in a carbon-constrained world with finite ecological resources. 

Areas of action include:

  • Highlighting gaps where the City needs help or mobilize businesses in supporting ecocity development. 

  • Clarifying what it means to be an ecocity, and how businesses can contribute to achieving this objective.

  • Supporting the Ecocity Network with peer-to-peer exchanges and access to experts. 

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