Consulting: As Principal of Sustainability Managers, Jennie Moore and associates assist cities in taking aggressive action on sustainability, with science-based metrics. This includes the use of tools to map the prevailing flows of energy and materials through cities and regions—so-called “urban metabolisms”. Her ground-breaking ecoCity Footprint Tool also generates consumption-based and territorial emissions inventories and an ecological footprint, based on a One-Planet model for living. These allow local governments to identify points of leverage for reducing emissions, boosting efficiency and helping residents understand ways towards “lighter living”. Recent clients have included the sustainability directors for the cities of Vancouver, Victoria, North Vancouver and District of Saanich, British Columbia, and Iowa City, Iowa.

Training: Moore and her team work with cities to train staff in methods to advance more ambitious use of sustainability metrics in support of policy planning. This includes guidance in using her ecoCity Footprint Tool on an ongoing basis and planning for deeper sustainability over the long term. Through BCIT, Moore aims to develop courses for which urban planners and managers from around the world to learn how to use these tools, and help cities meet Ecocity Standards.

Public speaking: Jennie Moore is sought after as a speaker, internationally: known for inspiring audiences about the challenges and rewards of leading more sustainable lifestyles, “One Planet Living.”  Her engagements have included keynotes at Ecocity World Summits, most recently in 2017, and for local governments in Canada and abroad.

We invited her to our speaker series and she was excellent…able to connect with provincial government decision-makers as well as municipal staff and the public.
— Rebecca Newlove, Manager of Sustainability, District of Saanich, BC