Green Bloc Neighbourhoods

Jennie Moore’s research and tools have proven their value in helping communities consider their ecological footprint and alter their behvaviour in positive ways.

In Vancouver, B.C., an project designed by neighbours and the charity Evergreen adapted Moore’s approach to ecological footprinting, together with a series of dialogues and activities, to help households reduce their footprints by 12% over two years. Known as Green Bloc Neighbourhoods, the approach is now being scaled up by Evergreen and the City of Vancouver in different neighbourhoods city-wide and other cities have expressed interest in testing it.

Environmentalism is not a specialty or discipline but a way of seeing our place in the biosphere. I can’t think of a better way to appreciate that perspective than the kind of local initiative represented by Project Green Bloc.
— Dr. David Suzuki, launching the initial project

Lighter Footprint App

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Moore’s footprinting is also being used in development of a Lighter Footprint App aimed at helping city residents understand the impact of their urban lifestyles and daily consumption patterns and adjust these to align more with One-Planet Living. Led by designer Anna Bohn of the Vancouver firm Etho, the app is expected to be ready for testing in 2019.