
William Rees

William Rees, PhD, FRSC, is a human ecologist, ecological economist and former Director of UBC’s School of Community and Regional Planning. At SCARP, he served both as Jennie Moore’s Master’s and PhD thesis supervisor.  His own research focuses on the biophysical prerequisites for sustainability and the impact of cognitive/behavioural barriers to genuine progress. He takes a particular interest in the growing vulnerability of cities to global change in light of accelerating climate disruption. Prof Rees’ work, particularly as originator and co-developer of ecological footprint analysis has been globally recognized, including a Blue Planet Prize in 2012.  He was elected to the Royal Society of Canada 2006. Learn more.

Kirstin Miller


Kirstin Miller is an urban ecologist, international environmental systems knowledge broker and global initiatives project coordinator and facilitator. She has extensive experience working with diverse populations in a variety of settings and circumstances and is adept in organizational and project planning, management and implementation of major projects. As Executive Director of San Francisco Bay Area based Ecocity Builders, she oversees the development of the organization's "toolbox" of strategies and programs, including strategies for citizen engagement, land use and infrastructure planning, ecological demonstration projects, ecological mapping, and long-term sustainable development initiatives. Kirstin is an international speaker and presenter on ecocity design, technology, development and citizen participation. Learn more.

Mathis Wackernagel


Mathis Wackernagel, PhD, is the co-creator of the Ecological Footprint and President of Global Footprint Network. This international think-tank focuses on bringing about a sustainable human economy in which all can thrive within the means of one planet. His awards include the 2018 World Sustainability Award, the 2015 IAIA Global Environment Award, the 2012 Blue Planet Prize, the 2012 Binding-Prize for Nature Conservation, the 2012 Kenneth E. Boulding Memorial Award, an honorary doctorate from the University of Berne, and a Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship. Learn more.

Cora Hallsworth


Cora Hallsworth is a sustainability consultant with wide experience, who manages Ecocity projects on behalf of Jennie Moore. Recently these have included the pilot testing of the ecocity Footprint Tool by five municipalities and cities in Canada and the U.S. and the launch of an Ecocity Business Network (which aims to boost collaboration between municipalities and businesses). Cora has nearly 20 years experience advancing community and organizational sustainability, working as a consultant in Vancouver, Toronto and Victoria. She is now Principal of her own consulting practice based in Victoria, BC; a part-time Faculty member of BCIT’s Sustainable Business Leadership Program; and a Senior Associate with One Earth and Whistler Centre for Sustainability. Learn more.

Vanessa Timmer

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Dr. Vanessa Timmer is the Executive Director of One Earth, an environmental ‘think and do tank’ creating and imagining sustainable ways of living in cities and around the world. One Earth collaborates with partners to enable people to live good lives within their fair share of our planet’s resources.  Vanessa is also a Senior Research Fellow at Utrecht University with Pathways to Sustainability and the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development.  She is a past Associate and Fulbright scholar with Harvard’s Sustainability Science Program and holds a Doctorate in environmental studies with degrees from Queen’s University, Oxford University and the University of British Columbia. Learn more.

Dagmar Timmer


Dagmar Timmer is the Managing Director ‐ Strategic Initiatives of One Earth, a nonprofit "think and do" tank she co‐founded in Vancouver catalyzing action on sustainable consumption and production issues. Dagmar is a facilitator, researcher / writer, policy analyst, and activist with a passion for dialogue and translating ideas into action. Dagmar co‐hosts the TV show Metro Vancouver Closeup. She has been actively involved in sustainability policy, teaching and action for nearly two decades and has extensive international experience. She advanced forest conservation at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in Geneva. Then, with the World Agroforestry Center in Nairobi, she was part of the core team for a program facilitating a network of rainforest‐agriculture margin research sites. Dagmar holds an MA in Political Science.  

James Boothroyd


James is a communications consultant with international experience in environmental and public health campaigns. He is Managing Director and co-author of EcoAnalytics, an innovative market research venture on behalf of Canada’s environmental movement and researchers at Université de Montréal. As well, he has served as Director of Communications for the David Suzuki Foundation and worked extensively for German Technical Cooperation, World Health Organization, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. As a volunteer, he is co-author of the first Project Green Bloc, an innovative approach to mobilizing neighbourhoods to address climate change, using Jennie Moore’s ecoCity Footprint Tool. Learn more.