
Here is a selection of articles and chapters written or co-authored by Dr. Jennie Moore, together with her UBC doctoral thesis.

Moreau, T., Moore, J. and K. Mullinix. (2012). Planning for climate action in British Columbia, Canada: putting agricultural greenhouse gas mitigation on local government agendas. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, 2(2): 247-259.

Moreau, T., Moore, J. and K. Mullinix. (2012). Mitigating agricultural greenhouse gas emissions: a review of scientific information for food system planning. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, 2(2): 237-246.

Kissinger M., Sussman, C., Moore, J., Rees, W.E. (Mar. 2016) Accounting for the Ecological Footprint of Materials in Consumer Goods at the Urban Scale: Policy and Planning for a Sustainable Society

Kissinger M., Sussman, C., Moore, J., Rees, W.E. (May 2013)  Accounting for the Ecological Footprint of Materials in Consumer Goods at the Urban Scale. Sustainability.

Legg, R., Moore, J., Kissinger, M., Rees, W.E. (Aug.2013) A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Ecological Footprint Analysis of Metro Vancouver Residents’ Air Travel

Moore, J. (2013) Getting Serious About Sustainability: Exploring the Potential for One-Planet Living in Vancouver. PhD Thesis. University of British Columbia.

Moore, J., Kissinger, M., Rees, W.E. (Apr 2013) An urban metabolism and ecological footprint assessment of Metro VancouverJournal of Environmental Management.

Moore, J., Kissinger, M., Rees, W.E. (Apr 2013) An urban metabolism and ecological footprint assessment of Metro Vancouver. Journal of Environmental Management.

Moore, J., Rees, W.E. (2013) Ecological Footprints, Fair Earth-Shares and Urbanization. Chapter One in: R. Vale and B. Vale (eds), Living Within a Fair Share Ecological Footprint. London: Earthscan.

Moore, J., Rees, W.E. (Jan 2013) Getting to One-Planet Living. In State of the World 2013: Is Sustainability Still Possible? Worldwatch Institute.

Moore, J. (Dec 2007). ABC Region: Examining Local Government Responses to De-industrialization and its Related Impacts. UBC.

Moore, J. (Apr 2015) Ecological Footprints and Lifestyle Archetypes: Exploring Dimensions of Consumption and the Transformation Needed to Achieve Urban Sustainability. Sustainability.